The Black Tiger【電子書籍】[ Larry Huddleston ]
<p>Jason Judd executed two Dallas County Sheriff’s Detectives and their rat Long John Hamilton for setting up his friend Cool Freddie and sending him to prison on a trumped up drug charge, where he was murdered in a prison riot between rival gangs. Knowing he had nothing to lose, since he had Special Orders in his pocket sending him to the war in Viet Nam, he figured he had been handed a death penalty as well. What he hadn’t figured on was that is Uncle Jasper had been the one who pulled the strings on Cool Freddie’s death. What he also didn’t know was that his Uncle Jasper was the one pulling his strings too.<br />However, what his Uncle Jasper hadn’t figured on was that his nephew would excel beyond all expectations at the game of war and killing. Even though he had been instrumental in the training of Jason in the arts of shooting and self-defense for most of his nephew’s life he had no idea that he had created a killing machine with a heart of iron and a sense of honor as hard as diamond.<br />Even the best trained Vietnamese snipers trembled when they learned they were being sent to tag the American sniper dubbed Black Tiger. They felt they had been handed a death sentence of their own. Jason Judd, the Black Tiger, had to agree.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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