
[2013] オルネライア マグナム【木箱入り】 ORNELLAIA 1500ml[のこり1本]

Item Number 17

オルネッライア 2013 エレガンツァ Ornellaia 2013 -L'Eleganza ボルゲリDOCスペリオーレ 45% カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン 38% メルロー 10% カベルネ・フラン 7% プティ・ヴェルド 一見不利と思われた条件(芽吹きと開花の遅れ)が、夏の高気温と、気温は低いにもかかわらず晴天が続いた9月のおかげで、“手本のような”絶好のコンディションとなりました。


オルネッライア 2013は、スパイスと樹脂の微妙な香りの中に、はっきりとした果実の風味と複雑なアロマが際立つ、鮮やかな色合いの濃厚なワインです。



(輸入元資料より抜粋) 2013 Tenuta dell'Ornellaia Bolgheri Superiore Ornellaia96pt.Drink 2018-2038 This wine will be released in May 2016. The 2013 Bolgheri Superiore Ornellaia is an integrated and seamless blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot and Petit Verdot. Alex Heinz tells me that 2013 was a difficult vintage especially towards the early part of the growing season. It balanced out during the summer and allowed for steady ripening of fruit before the harvest. But 2013 was not as hot as 2011 and 2012 overall, and this edition of Ornellaia is beautifully tonic and shapely as a result. The bouquet is very developed in terms of aromas this year with beautiful notes of dark fruit, tobacco and spice. Those perfumes are just gorgeous. The mouthfeel is similarly intense with tannins that are still young, but are already silky and linear in nature. This vintage promises a long aging future. eRobertParker.com #221 Oct 2015

Item Number 17

Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Review Average レビュー平均 0.0(5点満点)
Shop Name ショップ Wine Cellar KATSUDA 仏銘醸専門店
Price 商品価格 49,248円(税込み)


Ornella 関連ツイート
